Thursday, February 25, 2010
You might have heard about Lmfao's summer hit "Im In Miami Trick" but that's not all they can come up with. Their entire album is a DOPE album. They have songs like lalala & shots. Shots is the newest song released from they album Party Rock. The album is just DOPE. I soo advise everyone to listen to it :)
Sunday, February 21, 2010
TiK ToK ** Ke$ha
Fever ** Cascada
Fever ** Cascada
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Say Something ** TIMBALAND & DRAKE
Monday, February 15, 2010
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Lacoste FALL 2010
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Charlotte Ronson FALL 2010
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Christian Siriano FALL 2010
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L.A.M.B FALL 2010
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Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentines Day
Hey everyone. I just wanted to wish all you guys a Happy Valentines Day. Hope its great :)
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Alexander McQueen commits suicide
The famous fashion designer Alexander McQueen has committed suicide. He has believed that he committed suicide after the tragic death of his mother. Alexander has been very close to his mother. He has been found dead in his home last Tuesday. for more information on his mother & his death click on the following link.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Learn it, Live it, Love it :) Curtsy of
AckOrgiddyWay ItchesOrgiddyBay: \ˈaktˈ-orˈgi-dē-wā-ˈiches-orˈgi-dē-ˈbā\: adjective
1: the barbie pig latin term for “whack bitches”.
Alfred Bitchcok : \ˈal-frəd – ˈbich – ˈkäk\ : noun
1: a term of endearment from one bitchy Harajuku Barbie to another. Generally used amongst BFF’s.
Bad Bitch Check : \ˈbad – ˈbich – ˈchek\ : verb
1: is when a bad bitch looks in the mirror prior to an event in which stacks are involved.
Baldy Locks : \bal-dē-läks\ : adjective
1: Good head.
Balloon Boy : \ba-ˈlōⁿ-bȯi\ : noun
1: the adopted lady bug of barbie nation.
2: the oracle.
Barbie Backhand : \ˈbär-bē-ˈbak-hand\ : verb
1: The act of using intense force while unexpectedly givin da back hand to a hata.
BarbieBoomBox : \ˈbär-bē-ˈbüm-ˈbäks\ : noun
1: a device out of which the Barbie’s fetch music is played from.
Barbie Detention : \ˈbär-bē -di-ˈten-chən\ : noun
1: When the Harajuku Barbie herself puts one of her barbies on time-out for stating or doing something totally unfetch.
*only the HB can remove a barbie from Barbie Detention. Length of stay may vary.
*While on “BD” a barbie is required to do any task the “HB” asks of her in order to regain her position as a BARBIE. Tasks may vary.
Barbie Juice : \bär-bē-jüs\ : noun
1: ice cold pickle juice in a glass that barbies drink to experience a sudden blast of EUPHORIA.
Barbie Powers : /ˈbär-bē-pō-ər/: noun
1: to beam your thoughts to another Barbie without speaking.
2: to put a hex on strawberry shortcakes by wiggling your fingers at them.
Barbie’s Phone Number:
Basement : \bās-mənt\ : verb
1: the act of stepping one’s twig&berries / cookies DOWN.
2: the opposite of penthouse used when one is too cocky.
BEEN a fan : \bēn-a-ˈfan\ : noun
1: term used to describe a cornball.
Sentence : “hatin on who? Dat Bitch BEEN a fan”
BFF :/b-f-f/: noun
1: Barbie For FuckinEver
Bustitbarbie :\ˈbəst-ət-ˈbär-bē\ : noun
1: a naughty barbie who knows how to make it up on her final exam.
Cater to your Ken Day :\kā-tər-ˈtü-yər-ˈken-ˈdā\: noun
1: One day a month when Barbie stops being a diva and grants her Ken’s every wish.
Chin Check : \ˈchin -ˈchek\ : verb
1: when an HB gets out of character to explain her fabulosity.
Chuckles : \ˈchə-kəl\ : verb
1: when a Harajuku Barbie laughs at the expense of one of her friends.
CopyRightin’ Infringements :\ˈkä-pē-ˈrītən-in-ˈfrinj-mənts\: noun
1: girls that claim to be rappers while enlisting the help of ghost writers.
Doll House :\ˈdäl – ˈhaus\ : noun
1: a place where a Harajuku Barbie resides or stays while away on business.
Dolly Lama :/dä-lē-ˈlä-mə/: noun
1: a barbie that makes everyone around her feel at peace.
2: a problem solver.
3: the one you call when you’re at your worst.
Fetch : \ˈfech\ : adjective
1: a term used to describe something a bitchy Harajuku Barbie really likes.
*Only used with other HBs.
Fire Marshall: \ˈfi(-ə)r-ˈmär-shəl\ : noun
1: a term for sum1 tryna shut ya shit down.
Sentence: word? oh u on ya fire marshall shit.
Frosty Da Snowman : \fro-stē-dē-snō-man\ : noun
1: a girl or boy who wears blurry diamonds. Step ya clarity up.
Gabbage Patch Kid :\ˈga-bij-pach-’kid\: noun
1: a bust down
2: a doll who wishes the barbies will adopt her.
GBR : \g-b-r\ : verb
1: Abbreviation for “Got a Barbie Rollin”.
Get off my Fone : \git-ȯf-mī-ˈfōn\ : noun
1: a swift dismissal of a stupid ass fone call OR comment.
Sentence: Excuse me??? Bitch!!! Get off my Fone!!!
Harajuku Barbie : \原宿\ : noun
1: refer to Harajuku.
Harajuku Ken : \原宿\ - noun
1: a man that “adds to” a “HB” by knowing when to “fall da fuk bak” and when to “step his dick up”.
HB : \h-b\ : noun
1: an abbreviation of Harajuku Barbie.
HK : \h-k\ : noun
1: an abbreviation of Harajuku Ken.
It’s BARBIE BITCH!!!!! : \əts – ˈbär-bē – ˈbich\: noun
1: how Harajuku Barbies say good-bye.
Penthouse : \ˈpent-ˌhaus\: verb
1: the act of stepping one’s dick or cookies all the way up.
Roger Dat : \rä′jər-ˈdat\ : verb
1: verbally style on a shortcake by implying she should “get like u” in 2010.
Sentence: Scuze me? Bitch! Roger dat!
Step Your Scotty Up : \ˈstep – yər – ˈskätē – əp\ : verb
1: refers to being up on the latest lyrics\lingo off of the new “Beam Me Up Scotty” CD.
Strawberry Shortcake : \ˈstrȯ-ˌber-ē – ˈshȯrt – ˈkāk\ : noun
1: a broke bitch ;
2: one who loses sight of her goals and her CAKE by focusing on BEEF and negativity.
Stud Muffin :\ˈstəd-mə-fən\: noun
1: a street savvy “man’s man” who can only be tamed by a pink lipped barbie.
Surfboard : \sərf-bȯrd\ : adjective
1: used to describe a hatin ass WASHED up bitch.
Sentence : Cowubunga! Hit the surfboard ya surfboard ass bitch!!!!
Tumble Dry : \təm-bəl-drī\ : verb
1: used wen speaking to WASHED bitches.
Sentence : Tumble Dry bitch! Tumble Dry!!!
Waffle House : \ˈwä-fəl -ˈhaus\ : adjective
1: a clearly misguided old wrinkle.
When You Believe : by Whitney Houston & Mariah Carey
1: our official THEME song.
download & learn it – “story of my life”
When You Believe
0:50 / 4:36DownloadRight-click and save as to download.
Zoo :\ˈzü\: adjective
1: when exciting, crazy and fetch need to be combined to describe a noun.
*can only be said with extreme intensity.
AckOrgiddyWay ItchesOrgiddyBay: \ˈaktˈ-orˈgi-dē-wā-ˈiches-orˈgi-dē-ˈbā\: adjective
1: the barbie pig latin term for “whack bitches”.
Alfred Bitchcok : \ˈal-frəd – ˈbich – ˈkäk\ : noun
1: a term of endearment from one bitchy Harajuku Barbie to another. Generally used amongst BFF’s.
Bad Bitch Check : \ˈbad – ˈbich – ˈchek\ : verb
1: is when a bad bitch looks in the mirror prior to an event in which stacks are involved.
Baldy Locks : \bal-dē-läks\ : adjective
1: Good head.
Balloon Boy : \ba-ˈlōⁿ-bȯi\ : noun
1: the adopted lady bug of barbie nation.
2: the oracle.
Barbie Backhand : \ˈbär-bē-ˈbak-hand\ : verb
1: The act of using intense force while unexpectedly givin da back hand to a hata.
BarbieBoomBox : \ˈbär-bē-ˈbüm-ˈbäks\ : noun
1: a device out of which the Barbie’s fetch music is played from.
Barbie Detention : \ˈbär-bē -di-ˈten-chən\ : noun
1: When the Harajuku Barbie herself puts one of her barbies on time-out for stating or doing something totally unfetch.
*only the HB can remove a barbie from Barbie Detention. Length of stay may vary.
*While on “BD” a barbie is required to do any task the “HB” asks of her in order to regain her position as a BARBIE. Tasks may vary.
Barbie Juice : \bär-bē-jüs\ : noun
1: ice cold pickle juice in a glass that barbies drink to experience a sudden blast of EUPHORIA.
Barbie Powers : /ˈbär-bē-pō-ər/: noun
1: to beam your thoughts to another Barbie without speaking.
2: to put a hex on strawberry shortcakes by wiggling your fingers at them.
Barbie’s Phone Number:
Basement : \bās-mənt\ : verb
1: the act of stepping one’s twig&berries / cookies DOWN.
2: the opposite of penthouse used when one is too cocky.
BEEN a fan : \bēn-a-ˈfan\ : noun
1: term used to describe a cornball.
Sentence : “hatin on who? Dat Bitch BEEN a fan”
BFF :/b-f-f/: noun
1: Barbie For FuckinEver
Bustitbarbie :\ˈbəst-ət-ˈbär-bē\ : noun
1: a naughty barbie who knows how to make it up on her final exam.
Cater to your Ken Day :\kā-tər-ˈtü-yər-ˈken-ˈdā\: noun
1: One day a month when Barbie stops being a diva and grants her Ken’s every wish.
Chin Check : \ˈchin -ˈchek\ : verb
1: when an HB gets out of character to explain her fabulosity.
Chuckles : \ˈchə-kəl\ : verb
1: when a Harajuku Barbie laughs at the expense of one of her friends.
CopyRightin’ Infringements :\ˈkä-pē-ˈrītən-in-ˈfrinj-mənts\: noun
1: girls that claim to be rappers while enlisting the help of ghost writers.
Doll House :\ˈdäl – ˈhaus\ : noun
1: a place where a Harajuku Barbie resides or stays while away on business.
Dolly Lama :/dä-lē-ˈlä-mə/: noun
1: a barbie that makes everyone around her feel at peace.
2: a problem solver.
3: the one you call when you’re at your worst.
Fetch : \ˈfech\ : adjective
1: a term used to describe something a bitchy Harajuku Barbie really likes.
*Only used with other HBs.
Fire Marshall: \ˈfi(-ə)r-ˈmär-shəl\ : noun
1: a term for sum1 tryna shut ya shit down.
Sentence: word? oh u on ya fire marshall shit.
Frosty Da Snowman : \fro-stē-dē-snō-man\ : noun
1: a girl or boy who wears blurry diamonds. Step ya clarity up.
Gabbage Patch Kid :\ˈga-bij-pach-’kid\: noun
1: a bust down
2: a doll who wishes the barbies will adopt her.
GBR : \g-b-r\ : verb
1: Abbreviation for “Got a Barbie Rollin”.
Get off my Fone : \git-ȯf-mī-ˈfōn\ : noun
1: a swift dismissal of a stupid ass fone call OR comment.
Sentence: Excuse me??? Bitch!!! Get off my Fone!!!
Harajuku Barbie : \原宿\ : noun
1: refer to Harajuku.
Harajuku Ken : \原宿\ - noun
1: a man that “adds to” a “HB” by knowing when to “fall da fuk bak” and when to “step his dick up”.
HB : \h-b\ : noun
1: an abbreviation of Harajuku Barbie.
HK : \h-k\ : noun
1: an abbreviation of Harajuku Ken.
It’s BARBIE BITCH!!!!! : \əts – ˈbär-bē – ˈbich\: noun
1: how Harajuku Barbies say good-bye.
Penthouse : \ˈpent-ˌhaus\: verb
1: the act of stepping one’s dick or cookies all the way up.
Roger Dat : \rä′jər-ˈdat\ : verb
1: verbally style on a shortcake by implying she should “get like u” in 2010.
Sentence: Scuze me? Bitch! Roger dat!
Step Your Scotty Up : \ˈstep – yər – ˈskätē – əp\ : verb
1: refers to being up on the latest lyrics\lingo off of the new “Beam Me Up Scotty” CD.
Strawberry Shortcake : \ˈstrȯ-ˌber-ē – ˈshȯrt – ˈkāk\ : noun
1: a broke bitch ;
2: one who loses sight of her goals and her CAKE by focusing on BEEF and negativity.
Stud Muffin :\ˈstəd-mə-fən\: noun
1: a street savvy “man’s man” who can only be tamed by a pink lipped barbie.
Surfboard : \sərf-bȯrd\ : adjective
1: used to describe a hatin ass WASHED up bitch.
Sentence : Cowubunga! Hit the surfboard ya surfboard ass bitch!!!!
Tumble Dry : \təm-bəl-drī\ : verb
1: used wen speaking to WASHED bitches.
Sentence : Tumble Dry bitch! Tumble Dry!!!
Waffle House : \ˈwä-fəl -ˈhaus\ : adjective
1: a clearly misguided old wrinkle.
When You Believe : by Whitney Houston & Mariah Carey
1: our official THEME song.
download & learn it – “story of my life”
When You Believe
0:50 / 4:36DownloadRight-click and save as to download.
Zoo :\ˈzü\: adjective
1: when exciting, crazy and fetch need to be combined to describe a noun.
*can only be said with extreme intensity.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
90210 ** WALE
Evacuate The Dance Floor ** CASCADA
Pretty Girls ** WALE
Make Her Say ** Kid Cudi, Common, Kayne West
A.M to P.M ** Christina Milian
When You Look At Me ** Christina Milian
Cant Find The Words ** Karina Pasian
16 at War ** Karina Pasian
Evacuate The Dance Floor ** CASCADA
Pretty Girls ** WALE
Make Her Say ** Kid Cudi, Common, Kayne West
A.M to P.M ** Christina Milian
When You Look At Me ** Christina Milian
Cant Find The Words ** Karina Pasian
16 at War ** Karina Pasian
Bad Girls Club is the best show on Oxygen TV. The show is about 7 bad girls. Their motto is "Bad Never Looked So Good". It comes on every tuesday at 10 EST. Enjoy :)
Monday, February 8, 2010
The Vistoso bosses are the first ladies of Collipark ENT. Their original style is so unique is what makes their music loved. Hope you like it :)
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Hey, Its me again. This week is going to be strictly fashion. New York Fashion Week is this week. You can find the fashions on this blog -->
This week I as well as many other people would be reviewing all the shows this week. So I'll keep you posted
Love & Peace. Sha'Bri
This week I as well as many other people would be reviewing all the shows this week. So I'll keep you posted
Love & Peace. Sha'Bri
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